Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Several have suggested that I have printed in book form some of my Army and Nazi Prison Camp experiences. Reverend W. L. French, my former District Superintendent; Doctor I. C. Mathis, Dallas District Superintendent; and my present Superintendent, Reverend Hadley Hall, were among the first to suggest it.

I have told the experiences as they occurred to me. I trust that as you read you will more fully understand the condistions under which your sons, husbands, sweethearts, brothers and friends have lived in order that we may enjoy the comforts, blessings and liberties of a safer world. I pray that these experiences will help you to come to know Jesus Christ in a richer relationship than ever before. He was and is my Refuge, my Strength, my Redeemer, my Companion. It is through Him that I live and have my being.

Often I was tempted to believe that there were but few people praying for me. However, when I returned to the States I was overwhelmed by the number who wrote, called or told me of spending hours in prayer in my behalf. I know God hears and answers prayer. I praise Him for allowing me to return to my family and church. I wish to thank each one who shared our burdens. May God rickly bless you. I also desire that you join me in prayer for those whose loved ones have paid the supreme price in this world of conflict.

I knew Jesus Christ as Saviour and Sanctifer before I left for overseas, but I've come to know Him as one who can keep in all places and under the most trying conditions. He gives peace, joy, and poise that surpasses all understanding.