Thank You, God!
Just before we arrived in New York, I asked some of the men if they would like to have a Thanksgiving service before the Statue of Liberty. They said it would be grand. We set up an altar and soon the statue was in sight. We were all excited and soon the symbol of liberty was beside us and then we were passing it. Chaplain Curtis led in the singing of a verse of "America." We then turned aft and came to attention and pledged allegiance to the American flag. I led in a prayer of thanksgiving, consecration, and dedication. We concluded the service by singing, "God Bless America," as the Statue of Liberty faded into the distance. Needless to say we were thrilled beyond words. One officer in telling Mrs. Moore about it later said, "For a time we thought that artillery shells were breaking around us and then we suddenly realized we were hearing our hearts pounding within us."
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